From my heart to yours
I need you to know
just how much
you mean to me
each and every day
I walk though my day
connected to so many
in the healing that I do
for cats and dogs and their human kin
so is was so easy
to slip you all
into my pocket right from the start
I came looking for something
and for that I still search
daily you remind me
how wonderful life really is
open to the magic
swirling in the air
grabbing hold it's tether
and swinging in the flow
the wonder that you bring
rests in my open hands
and pulls such amazing things from me
the things we share in here
blows me away each and every day
each of you is different in what you offer me
each of you is wonderful in how it is we share
our inspiration our joy our laughter
our sorrow and support along the way
There is no anger left in me
I felt it's sting to long
I sent it packing and converted it's room
Sadness and 'meloncollie' sometimes come to tea
I let them tell their stories
and send them off with a hug
for they too can not stay
I will not barr the door
but I will not hold them in my heart
so thank you for all you offer me
thank you for your friendship
thank you for your love
thank you for being you and sharing with me too :)
This is really beautiful June - thank you for sharing part of you with me ♥